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Message to Colorado Italian American Foundation

Colorado Italian American Foundation - Italian  in Pueblo CO

Colorado Italian American Foundation

(719) 671-5000
(719) 671-5000

About Colorado Italian American Foundation

The Colorado Italian American Foundation [COIAF] was founded to advance Italian Heritage, Culture, History and Art through Education & Outreach throughout Colorado — including philanthropic Education scholarships for high school students, Language Arts, and community services:

As we come out of this covid debacle, circumstances underscore the opportunities ahead.

A primary focus is to always find ways to increase the amount of scholarship grants to students as the cost of education continues to skyrocket.

We continue to focus on establishing a physical Italian Heritage and Cultural center in Pueblo, Colorado which will require paid staffing for which the Foundation will work diligently to promote and sustain through additional grants and donations:

COIAF is focused upon greatly increasing the awareness of Italian History and Culture and contributions by those of Italian heritage, which brings to mind names like Enrico Fermi, Giovanni Verazzano, Michelangelo, Galileo, Mario Como, Lee Iacocca, Guglielmo Marconi, Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, Italian citizens of the Year honored locally and Nationally, including the unique Columbus Day Hall of Fame inductions initiated by the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy In America Lodge 2738 in southern Colorado this past year:

Our Italian Heritage and Culture is an extraordinary thread which has been weaved into the fabric of America.


Primary Office Location

pin 503 N. Main St., Suite 5 Pueblo CO 81003

pin (719) 671-5000


Message Colorado Italian American Foundation
(719) 671-5000