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Message to Consulate General of Italy in Houston

Consulate General of Italy in Houston - Italian  in Houston TX

Consulate General of Italy in Houston

Government of Italy
(713) 850-7520
(713) 850-7520

About Consulate General of Italy in Houston

The Consulate General of Italy in Houston covers a four-state area:
Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas

Consular services are furnished on an equal, impartial, efficient and transparent basis.

Consulates ensure all co-nationals protection against the violation of their fundamental rights and the limitation or privation of their personal freedom. They also ensure emergency assistance, help in locating family members, inheritance procedures initiated abroad and for the repatriation of mortal remains.


Primary Office Location

pin 1330 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 1950 Houston TX 77056

pin (713) 850-7520

Social Media

Twitter page for Consulate General of Italy in Houston - Italian  in Houston Facebook page for Consulate General of Italy in Houston - Italian  in Houston Instagram page for Consulate General of Italy in Houston - Italian  in Houston
Message Consulate General of Italy in Houston
(713) 850-7520