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Message to Justinian Society of Lawyers Dupage County Chapter

Justinian Society of Lawyers Dupage County Chapter - Italian  in Elmhurst IL

Justinian Society of Lawyers Dupage County Chapter

(630) 279-6800
(630) 279-6800


About Justinian Society of Lawyers Dupage County Chapter

The purpose and objectives of this Society are:

- to foster a spirit of friendship through social and professional interactions;
- to continue to improve the legal education of our members;
- to render mutual aid and assistance to our members;
- to promote the general welfare of our members by improvment of the practice of the law;
- and to participate in civic and community affairs so as to insure the proper administration of justice.


Primary Office Location

pin 579 West North Avenue, Suite 201 Elmhurst IL 60126

pin (630) 279-6800

Social Media

Facebook page for Justinian Society of Lawyers Dupage County Chapter - Italian  in Elmhurst
Message Justinian Society of Lawyers Dupage County Chapter
(630) 279-6800